Principal Arriba Colombia Spanish personal Traducciones Translation Cubanos Gallegos


Translations: English to Spanish and then back to English

        English:         He's got a crush.
        Spanish:         El tiene un coco.
        Transliteration:"He's got a coconut."

        He's confused.
        El tiene los cables cruzados.
        "His cables are crossed."

        That rocks!
        !Boto la casa por la ventana!
        "He threw the house out the window!"

        He's a pretty boy.
        Es una postalita.
        "He's a postcard."

        It's a big problem.
        Eso ni lo brinca un chivo.
        "Not even a goat can jump it.
         He takes good care of himself.
        Se da lija.
        "He sandpapers himself."

        He died.
        Canto el manicero.
        "He sang the peanut vendor."

        She's cute.
        Que mona.
        "She's a monkey."

        He's a good guy.
        Es un pan.
        "He's a piece of bread."

        He plays dumb.
        Se hace la mosquita muerta.
        "He plays the dead fly."

        He's trouble.
        Es la pata del diablo.
        "He's the leg of the devil."

        Come in, come in and have a seat.
        Entre, entre y tome una silla.
        "Between, between and drink a chair."

        Just in case.
        Por si las moscas.
        "For if the flies."

        I overdid it.
        Se me fue la mano.
        "My hand left me."

        I'm going to slap you.
        Te voy a entrar a galletas limpia
         "I'm gonna enter you to clean crackers."

    He's spreading a rumor.
    Esta corriendo la bola.
  "He's running the ball."

SPANISH FOR GRINGOS (Para que los Gringos aprendan español)

There's always something to learn or to try, many times you need to say some phrase in Spanish, but you don't know how to say it, don't worry, your problems have finished, if your are a gringo and you don't know speak Spanish, the Smart Gringo will be helpful in your learning. For instance, we took from it some common phrases, just try and you're gonna see the difference and how easy is speak Spanish.

(leédlo primero en inglés, está genial)

Boy as n r = Voy a cenar = I'm gonna have a dinner

N L C John = en el sillón = on the armchair

Be a hope and son = viejo panzón = fat old man

Who and see to seek ago = Juancito se cagó = Little John is a chicken things.

S toy tree stone = estoy tristón = I'm kind a sad.

Lost trap eat toss = los trapitos = the little rags

Desk can saw = descanso = (you) rest.

As say toon as = aceitunas = olives.

The head the star mall less stan dough = deje de estar molestando = stop bugging me.

See eye = si hay = yes we have

T n s free o ? = tienes frio = are you cold?

T N S L P P B N T S O = Tienes el pipi bien tieso = you have an erection.

Tell o boy ah in cruise tar = Te lo voy a incrustar = I'm going to insert it in you

Boy as n r = Voy a cenar = I'm gonna have dinner

N L C John = en el sillon = on the rockingchair

Be a hope and son = viejo panzon = fat old man

Who and see to seek ago = Juancito se cago =Little John shit on himself

S toy tree stone = estoy triston = I'm kind of sad.

Lost trap eat toss = los trapitos = the little rags

Desk can saw = descanso = (you) rest.

As say toon as = aceitunas = olives.

The head the star mall less stan dough = deje de estar molestando = stop bugging me.

See, eye = si, hay = yes, there is

T n s free o ? = tienes frio? = are you cold?